티스토리 뷰








고린도후서 12:9-10 말씀을 읽고 도전이 된 내용과 묵상하고 적용할 사항을 정리해 보았습니다.







2 Corinthians 12:9-10 But he said to me, "My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you." So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ's power can live in me. For this reason I am happy when I have weaknesses, insults, hard times, sufferings, and all kinds of troubles for Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong.







고후 12:9-10 - 약하고 고난당할 때 --> 오히려 기뻐하며 자신의 약함을 받아들임








바울은 주님께 자신의 약함을 강하게 하고 치유해 주실 것을 세 번이나 간청했으나(고후 12:8), 주님께서는 치유해 주시거나 고쳐주지 않으시고 오히려 바울이 가진 은혜가 충분하며 바울이 약해질 때 주님의 능력이 완전해진다고 말씀하셨습니다. 그러므로 바울은 자신이 약한 상황에서도 기뻐할 수 있었고, 더욱더 약해지고 모욕을 받으며 어려운 시간을 보내고 고통과 모든 문제들을 만난다 하더라도 자신이 약해지는 것을 기뻐하며 환영할 수 있었습니다(고후 12:9-10).










내가 약해질 때 저는 낙담이 되고 마음에 어려움을 가지고 살아갑니다만, 주님께서는 그러한 상황에서도 저를 온전케 하시고 주님의 나라에서 완전함을 더하고 계십니다. 또한 저의 약함을 통하여 하나님의 완전하심을 드러내시는 역사를 이뤄가십니다.









오늘 말씀(고후 12:9-10)을 통해서 제가 가진 약함과 어려움을 불편해하고 어려워하는 마음과 그로부터 부정적인 시야와 관점을 가지고 스스로에게 불평하며 살아가는 모습을 생각하며, 그러한 때에 주님의 시야와 관점을 생각하며 힘을 얻고 기뻐하는 삶을 살기 위해, 저의 약함을 생각하고 그 약함이 드러날 때 제 반응이 어떠해야 하는가를 묵상하는 시간을 갖도록 적용하겠습니다^^ 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!









Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on their weaknesses and difficulties, inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. The scene illustrates the individual's contemplation on how to find strength and joy in their weakness by aligning with God's perspective.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on their weaknesses and difficulties, inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. The scene illustrates the individual's contemplation on how to find strength and joy in their weakness by aligning with God's perspective.






















2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - When Weak and Suffering --> Rejoice and Accept Your Weakness










Paul asked the Lord three times to strengthen and heal his weakness (2 Corinthians 12:8), but the Lord did not heal or cure him, but rather told him that his grace was sufficient and that the Lord's power was made perfect when he was weak. Therefore, Paul was able to rejoice in his weakness and welcome his weakness, even when he was weakened, insulted, and faced difficult times, suffering, and all kinds of problems (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).











When I am weak, I become discouraged and live with difficulties in my heart, but the Lord is making me whole in those circumstances and adding to my perfection in His kingdom. He is also working through my weakness to reveal His perfection.











Through today's passage (2 Corinthians 12:9-10), I will apply it to spend time thinking about my weaknesses and difficulties and how I live with a negative outlook and perspective, complaining to myself about them, and how my response should be when they are revealed, in order to live a life of strength and joy by thinking about Your outlook and perspective in such times. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen!



Translated with DeepL.com (free version) 








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주님 Lord



















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Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on their weaknesses and difficulties, inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. The scene illustrates the individual's contemplation on how to find strength and joy in their weakness by aligning with God's perspective.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on their weaknesses and difficulties, inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. The scene illustrates the individual's contemplation on how to find strength and joy in their weakness by aligning with God's perspective.


Here is the inspiring image depicting a modern-day individual, inspired by the example of David, entrusting their struggles and sorrows to God in prayer. The scene conveys faith, reliance on God's protection, and a deep engagement in prayer during times of hardship.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living as a letter of Christ, inspired by 2 Corinthians 3:3. The scene illustrates a life that reflects Christ in every word, action, and thought, as well as moments of prayer for guidance in this mission.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on the message from 2 Corinthians 11:16, recognizing their limitations and striving to focus on God's wisdom rather than their own resources. Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on the message from 2 Corinthians 11:16, recognizing their limitations and striving to focus on God's wisdom rather than their own resources.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a modern-day individual, inspired by the example of David, entrusting their struggles and sorrows to God in prayer. The scene conveys faith, reliance on God's protection, and a deep engagement in prayer during times of hardship. //////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living as a letter of Christ, inspired by 2 Corinthians 3:3. The scene illustrates a life that reflects Christ in every word, action, and thought, as well as moments of prayer for guidance in this mission. /////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on the message from 2 Corinthians 11:16, recognizing their limitations and striving to focus on God's wisdom rather than their own resources.


Here is the inspiring image depicting a person embodying the principles from 2 Corinthians 11:7, living a life devoted to knowing and proclaiming God through sharing the Gospel, personal devotion, and spreading truth.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living out the message from 2 Corinthians 9 by giving generously to others. The scene illustrates three different instances: sharing love and encouragement, offering material goods, and giving time to others.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person prioritizing God's kingdom and righteousness in their life. The scene symbolizes the clarity of priorities and the dedication to seeking God's kingdom above all else.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person embodying the principles from 2 Corinthians 11:7, living a life devoted to knowing and proclaiming God through sharing the Gospel, personal devotion, and spreading truth. ////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living out the message from 2 Corinthians 9 by giving generously to others. The scene illustrates three different instances: sharing love and encouragement, offering material goods, and giving time to others. /////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person prioritizing God's kingdom and righteousness in their life. The scene symbolizes the clarity of priorities and the dedication to seeking God's kingdom above all else.




Here is the inspiring image depicting a person discerningly focusing on their vision and connection with God while consciously separating from worldly distractions and negative influences. The scene symbolizes a commitment to spiritual growth and discernment, with a focus on moving towards the light of God's presence. Here are the inspiring images depicting a person making a sincere effort to leave behind their old self and embrace a new life. The scenes highlight the commitment to live a new life in faith, symbolizing transformation and renewal.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person deeply reflecting on God's promises, inspired by Genesis 12 and 13. The scene conveys faith, hope, and a strong connection to the divine promises given by God.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person discerningly focusing on their vision and connection with God while consciously separating from worldly distractions and negative influences. The scene symbolizes a commitment to spiritual growth and discernment, with a focus on moving towards the light of God's presence. //////////////// Here are the inspiring images depicting a person making a sincere effort to leave behind their old self and embrace a new life. The scenes highlight the commitment to live a new life in faith, symbolizing transformation and renewal. ////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person deeply reflecting on God's promises, inspired by Genesis 12 and 13. The scene conveys faith, hope, and a strong connection to the divine promises given by God.



Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on the Bible and experiencing peace, with a focus on worship and the understanding that the Lord is their light and salvation. The scene conveys a sense of divine presence, comfort, and heartfelt worship.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person expressing deep gratitude and joy for meeting and connecting with souls who share the same love and dedication, inspired by 2 Corinthians 8:16. The scene illustrates the individual's engagement in meaningful conversations, offering encouragement, and celebrating the mutual love and support in a spiritual community.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person embodying the concept of equality, inspired by 2 Corinthians 8:14. The scene illustrates the individual sharing their knowledge, wealth, and time with others in both workplace and home settings, conveying generosity and the pursuit of fairness.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on the Bible and experiencing peace, with a focus on worship and the understanding that the Lord is their light and salvation. The scene conveys a sense of divine presence, comfort, and heartfelt worship. /////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person expressing deep gratitude and joy for meeting and connecting with souls who share the same love and dedication, inspired by 2 Corinthians 8:16. The scene illustrates the individual's engagement in meaningful conversations, offering encouragement, and celebrating the mutual love and support in a spiritual community. ///////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person embodying the concept of equality, inspired by 2 Corinthians 8:14. The scene illustrates the individual sharing their knowledge, wealth, and time with others in both workplace and home settings, conveying generosity and the pursuit of fairness.


Here is the inspiring image depicting a person praying and sharing the Word of God with others, focusing on the transformative power of scripture. The scene illustrates the dedication to spiritual transformation and the importance of addressing the spiritual needs of others.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person deeply reflecting on spiritual teachings and striving to live a life aligned with divine promises, inspired by 2 Corinthians 6:18 and 7:1. The scene illustrates the individual's commitment to spiritual growth and separation from worldly values.Here is the detailed and inspiring image showing a person dedicated to becoming a servant of God, inspired by 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2, and 10. The scene includes elements symbolizing joy, spiritual richness, and a sense of divine connection, depicting the individual's commitment to scripture memorization, prayer, and immediate obedience to God's word.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person praying and sharing the Word of God with others, focusing on the transformative power of scripture. The scene illustrates the dedication to spiritual transformation and the importance of addressing the spiritual needs of others. ///////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person deeply reflecting on spiritual teachings and striving to live a life aligned with divine promises, inspired by 2 Corinthians 6:18 and 7:1. The scene illustrates the individual's commitment to spiritual growth and separation from worldly values. ////////////////// Here is the detailed and inspiring image showing a person dedicated to becoming a servant of God, inspired by 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2, and 10. The scene includes elements symbolizing joy, spiritual richness, and a sense of divine connection, depicting the individual's commitment to scripture memorization, prayer, and immediate obedience to God's word.



Here is the detailed and inspiring image showing a person in deep prayer and worship, inspired by Psalm 68:1 and 68:19. The scene depicts the individual praising God with an uplifted heart, surrounded by challenging circumstances, and reaching out to God for intervention and help.Here is the detailed and inspiring image showing a person dedicating their life to their mission, inspired by Acts 21:13. The scene includes elements symbolizing dedication, sacrifice, and spreading the Gospel, such as a cross, an open Bible, and people listening attentively. Here are the illustrations showing a modern person valuing the message from 2 Corinthians 5:19, focusing on how God reconciles the sinful world to Himself. The scenes depict the person memorizing, reviewing, and meditating on this precious message. Activities include reading the Bible, writing verses on notecards for memorization, and spending quiet time in reflection and prayer. The environment features a serene and dedicated study space with scriptures, reflecting their dedication to cherishing and internalizing God's message of reconciliation.
Here is the detailed and inspiring image showing a person in deep prayer and worship, inspired by Psalm 68:1 and 68:19. The scene depicts the individual praising God with an uplifted heart, surrounded by challenging circumstances, and reaching out to God for intervention and help. //////////////////// Here is the detailed and inspiring image showing a person dedicating their life to their mission, inspired by Acts 21:13. The scene includes elements symbolizing dedication, sacrifice, and spreading the Gospel, such as a cross, an open Bible, and people listening attentively. ///////////////// Here are the illustrations showing a modern person valuing the message from 2 Corinthians 5:19, focusing on how God reconciles the sinful world to Himself. The scenes depict the person memorizing, reviewing, and meditating on this precious message. Activities include reading the Bible, writing verses on notecards for memorization, and spending quiet time in reflection and prayer. The environment features a serene and dedicated study space with scriptures, reflecting their dedication to cherishing and internalizing God's message of reconciliation.


Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, reflecting on their actions and making efforts to turn away from living for money, fame, and lust. The scenes depict the person contemplating their life choices, identifying areas driven by sinful desires, and actively trying to change. Activities include prayer and reflection, deciding to focus on pleasing God instead of pursuing worldly gains. The environment features a serene space for contemplation and a symbolic act of turning away from material pursuits, such as discarding items that represent money, fame, and lust, conveying repentance, determination, and spiritual growth.Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 4:8,14, maintaining a positive outlook despite negative circumstances. The scenes include the person facing challenging situations with hope and confidence in God's guidance, expecting Him to reverse situations and rescue from even death. The person is depicted with a bright and hopeful expression, engaging in daily activities with a positive and determined attitude. The environment features everyday settings like work or social interactions, focusing on the person's positive demeanor and trust in God, reflecting hope, resilience, and faith.Here is the illustration showing a group of people gathering for a Bible study, praying earnestly for the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance, inspired by 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. The scene includes individuals praying before the meeting, seeking the Holy Spirit's presence and trusting in Him as their guarantor. During the Bible study, they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit among them, fostering fellowship and guidance. The environment features a peaceful meeting space, with people holding Bibles and engaging in heartfelt discussions, reflecting their reliance on the living Spirit of God for their gathering and fellowship.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, reflecting on their actions and making efforts to turn away from living for money, fame, and lust. The scenes depict the person contemplating their life choices, identifying areas driven by sinful desires, and actively trying to change. Activities include prayer and reflection, deciding to focus on pleasing God instead of pursuing worldly gains. The environment features a serene space for contemplation and a symbolic act of turning away from material pursuits, such as discarding items that represent money, fame, and lust, conveying repentance, determination, and spiritual growth. /////////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 4:8,14, maintaining a positive outlook despite negative circumstances. The scenes include the person facing challenging situations with hope and confidence in God's guidance, expecting Him to reverse situations and rescue from even death. The person is depicted with a bright and hopeful expression, engaging in daily activities with a positive and determined attitude. The environment features everyday settings like work or social interactions, focusing on the person's positive demeanor and trust in God, reflecting hope, resilience, and faith. ///////////////// Here is the illustration showing a group of people gathering for a Bible study, praying earnestly for the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance, inspired by 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. The scene includes individuals praying before the meeting, seeking the Holy Spirit's presence and trusting in Him as their guarantor. During the Bible study, they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit among them, fostering fellowship and guidance. The environment features a peaceful meeting space, with people holding Bibles and engaging in heartfelt discussions, reflecting their reliance on the living Spirit of God for their gathering and fellowship.



Here is the illustration showing a modern person acting as God's messenger, understanding His intentions, and faithfully conveying the gospel and His word to others. The scenes depict the person speaking and interacting with at least two individuals, sharing the truth of the gospel and scriptures. The environments include a public space for meaningful conversation and another setting where the person reads from the Bible and explains its message, reflecting dedication, clarity, and commitment to spreading God's word.Here is the illustration showing a modern person dedicating time and focus to Bible study, aiming to understand God's works. The scenes depict the person deeply engrossed in studying the Bible in a designated study space free from distractions. The environment includes study materials such as notebooks, highlighters, and a peaceful atmosphere conducive to concentration. The person is shown reading, taking notes, and praying for understanding, reflecting dedication and a sincere desire to know God's deeds, conveying commitment, focus, and spiritual growth.Here is the illustration showing a modern person fervently praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, even in a foreign land, and actively spreading the gospel. The scenes include the person kneeling in earnest prayer, with a glowing sense of the Holy Spirit's presence surrounding them, and another part depicting the person engaging in evangelism, sharing the gospel with passion and dedication to those around them. The settings feature a peaceful prayer space and various locations where the person is interacting with and spreading the gospel to others, reflecting a life devoted to evangelism and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person acting as God's messenger, understanding His intentions, and faithfully conveying the gospel and His word to others. The scenes depict the person speaking and interacting with at least two individuals, sharing the truth of the gospel and scriptures. The environments include a public space for meaningful conversation and another setting where the person reads from the Bible and explains its message, reflecting dedication, clarity, and commitment to spreading God's word. ///////////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person dedicating time and focus to Bible study, aiming to understand God's works. The scenes depict the person deeply engrossed in studying the Bible in a designated study space free from distractions. The environment includes study materials such as notebooks, highlighters, and a peaceful atmosphere conducive to concentration. The person is shown reading, taking notes, and praying for understanding, reflecting dedication and a sincere desire to know God's deeds, conveying commitment, focus, and spiritual growth. /////////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person fervently praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, even in a foreign land, and actively spreading the gospel. The scenes include the person kneeling in earnest prayer, with a glowing sense of the Holy Spirit's presence surrounding them, and another part depicting the person engaging in evangelism, sharing the gospel with passion and dedication to those around them. The settings feature a peaceful prayer space and various locations where the person is interacting with and spreading the gospel to others, reflecting a life devoted to evangelism and filled with the Holy Spirit.



Here is the illustration showing a modern person observing and praying for fellow believers, aiming to strengthen their faith with scripture, and spending time with them to encourage joyful living in the Lord. The scenes include attentively observing others, praying with sincerity, sharing scripture, and engaging in meaningful conversations. The illustration also depicts the person spending quality time with others, building friendships, and motivating them with good intentions. The settings blend a church environment, a cozy prayer corner, and social interactions in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, reflecting dedication to uplifting and encouraging fellow believers.Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the message that God rescues them from the dangers of death and saves them from various difficulties and hardships. The scene includes the person dedicating time to prayer, deciding not to rely on worldly possessions, fame, power, or lust. The person is depicted praying earnestly, with a focus on placing their hope in God. The environment features a serene and quiet space for prayer, highlighting the person's commitment to seeking God and placing their hope in Him, with symbols of discarded worldly pursuits nearby.Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to love Jesus Christ by remembering His life and ministry, and considering how Jesus would speak and act in their situation. The scenes include reflecting on Jesus' actions and words, applying this reflection to their own speech and behavior throughout the day, reading the Bible to remember Jesus' life, engaging in daily interactions with a mindset of 'What would Jesus do?', sharing Jesus' message with passion to others, and evaluating their actions in the evening. The environments feature a home study area, everyday settings like work or social interactions, and a quiet place for evening reflection, conveying thoughtful contemplation, devotion, and the desire to emulate Jesus' passion and message.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person observing and praying for fellow believers, aiming to strengthen their faith with scripture, and spending time with them to encourage joyful living in the Lord. The scenes include attentively observing others, praying with sincerity, sharing scripture, and engaging in meaningful conversations. The illustration also depicts the person spending quality time with others, building friendships, and motivating them with good intentions. The settings blend a church environment, a cozy prayer corner, and social interactions in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, reflecting dedication to uplifting and encouraging fellow believers. //////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the message that God rescues them from the dangers of death and saves them from various difficulties and hardships. The scene includes the person dedicating time to prayer, deciding not to rely on worldly possessions, fame, power, or lust. The person is depicted praying earnestly, with a focus on placing their hope in God. The environment features a serene and quiet space for prayer, highlighting the person's commitment to seeking God and placing their hope in Him, with symbols of discarded worldly pursuits nearby. ////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to love Jesus Christ by remembering His life and ministry, and considering how Jesus would speak and act in their situation. The scenes include reflecting on Jesus' actions and words, applying this reflection to their own speech and behavior throughout the day, reading the Bible to remember Jesus' life, engaging in daily interactions with a mindset of 'What would Jesus do?', sharing Jesus' message with passion to others, and evaluating their actions in the evening. The environments feature a home study area, everyday settings like work or social interactions, and a quiet place for evening reflection, conveying thoughtful contemplation, devotion, and the desire to emulate Jesus' passion and message.

