티스토리 뷰








고린도후서 5:9-10 말씀을 읽고 도전이 된 내용과 묵상하고 적용할 사항을 정리해 보았습니다.







2 Corinthians 5:9,10 Our only goal is to please God whether we live here or there, because we must all stand before Christ to be judged. Each of us will receive what we should get - good or bad - for the things we did in the earthly body.







우리의 목표가 되어야 하는 것 → 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 것








우리의 유일한 목표는 여기 있으나 저기 있으나 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 것입니다. 왜냐하면 우리 각자는 이 땅에서 육신으로 행함에 있어서 좋은 것 또는 나쁜 것을 행하는 것에 따라 우리는 모두 그리스도께서 심판하시는 자리에 서게 되기 때문입니다(고후 5:9-10).









우리의 결국은 즉, 우리가 살아가다가 생을 마치게 되면 결국에는 그리스도의 심판대 앞에 서게 되며, 그때에 그리스도께서 우리가 살아서 육신으로 행한 것 중 좋은 것과 나쁜 것을 구분하시는 심판을 행하시고 우리는 그에 따라 심판을 받기 때문입니다. 그러므로 제가 가장 우선순위를 두고 살아가야 하는 것은 어디에 있든지 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 것이어야 하겠습니다.








제 삶을 돌아보며 제가 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는지 아닌지를 점검하며, 그 앞에서 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 삶을 따라 살아간 것을 나타낼 수 있는 자가 되게 도와주시옵소서.. 주여, 단지 제 삶을 올바로 살아가려는 것이 아니라 제가 죄악 가운데 있지 아니하고 하나님의 뜻 안에서 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는지 여부를 따라 살아가는 자가 되게 해 주시옵소서..







오늘 말씀을 통해서는 우리가 살아가 선악 간에 행하는 모든 것이 그리스도 앞에서 밝히 드러내는 것이 우리의 종말에 있게 되며, 그 앞에서 평가받게 될 때에 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 것이 중요함을 생각하며, 오늘 제가 죄 가운데 육신의 것을 위해 살아가기 위해 돈과 명예와 정욕을 위해 살아가는 것이 무엇인지 생각해 보고 그로부터 돌이키려는 시도를 1개 이상 하는 것을 적용하겠습니다^^ 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!









Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, reflecting on their actions and making efforts to turn away from living for money, fame, and lust. The scenes depict the person contemplating their life choices, identifying areas driven by sinful desires, and actively trying to change. Activities include prayer and reflection, deciding to focus on pleasing God instead of pursuing worldly gains. The environment features a serene space for contemplation and a symbolic act of turning away from material pursuits, such as discarding items that represent money, fame, and lust, conveying repentance, determination, and spiritual growth.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, reflecting on their actions and making efforts to turn away from living for money, fame, and lust. The scenes depict the person contemplating their life choices, identifying areas driven by sinful desires, and actively trying to change. Activities include prayer and reflection, deciding to focus on pleasing God instead of pursuing worldly gains. The environment features a serene space for contemplation and a symbolic act of turning away from material pursuits, such as discarding items that represent money, fame, and lust, conveying repentance, determination, and spiritual growth.

























What Should Be Our Goal → Pleasing God








Our only goal, here or there, is to please God, because each of us will stand before the judgment seat of Christ, according to what we have done in the flesh on this earth, good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:9-10).












Because in the end, that is, at the end of our lives, we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, and at that time Christ will judge us according to what we have done in the flesh during our lives, both good and bad, and we will be judged accordingly. Therefore, my highest priority in life should be to please God wherever I am.












Help me to examine my life to see if I am pleasing to You, and to be able to stand before You and show that I have lived a life that is pleasing to You. Lord, help me not just to live my life right, but to live my life according to whether or not I am pleasing to You in Your will and not in sin.














In light of the importance of pleasing God at the end of our lives when everything we do, good or bad, will be revealed before Christ and we will be judged before Him, I will apply today to consider what I am doing in sin to live for the things of the flesh, for money, for fame, for lust, and make at least one attempt to turn away from it^^ In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!



Translated with DeepL.com (free version) 








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주님 Lord


















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Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, reflecting on their actions and making efforts to turn away from living for money, fame, and lust. The scenes depict the person contemplating their life choices, identifying areas driven by sinful desires, and actively trying to change. Activities include prayer and reflection, deciding to focus on pleasing God instead of pursuing worldly gains. The environment features a serene space for contemplation and a symbolic act of turning away from material pursuits, such as discarding items that represent money, fame, and lust, conveying repentance, determination, and spiritual growth.Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 4:8,14, maintaining a positive outlook despite negative circumstances. The scenes include the person facing challenging situations with hope and confidence in God's guidance, expecting Him to reverse situations and rescue from even death. The person is depicted with a bright and hopeful expression, engaging in daily activities with a positive and determined attitude. The environment features everyday settings like work or social interactions, focusing on the person's positive demeanor and trust in God, reflecting hope, resilience, and faith.Here is the illustration showing a group of people gathering for a Bible study, praying earnestly for the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance, inspired by 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. The scene includes individuals praying before the meeting, seeking the Holy Spirit's presence and trusting in Him as their guarantor. During the Bible study, they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit among them, fostering fellowship and guidance. The environment features a peaceful meeting space, with people holding Bibles and engaging in heartfelt discussions, reflecting their reliance on the living Spirit of God for their gathering and fellowship.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, reflecting on their actions and making efforts to turn away from living for money, fame, and lust. The scenes depict the person contemplating their life choices, identifying areas driven by sinful desires, and actively trying to change. Activities include prayer and reflection, deciding to focus on pleasing God instead of pursuing worldly gains. The environment features a serene space for contemplation and a symbolic act of turning away from material pursuits, such as discarding items that represent money, fame, and lust, conveying repentance, determination, and spiritual growth. /////////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person inspired by 2 Corinthians 4:8,14, maintaining a positive outlook despite negative circumstances. The scenes include the person facing challenging situations with hope and confidence in God's guidance, expecting Him to reverse situations and rescue from even death. The person is depicted with a bright and hopeful expression, engaging in daily activities with a positive and determined attitude. The environment features everyday settings like work or social interactions, focusing on the person's positive demeanor and trust in God, reflecting hope, resilience, and faith. ///////////////// Here is the illustration showing a group of people gathering for a Bible study, praying earnestly for the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance, inspired by 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. The scene includes individuals praying before the meeting, seeking the Holy Spirit's presence and trusting in Him as their guarantor. During the Bible study, they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit among them, fostering fellowship and guidance. The environment features a peaceful meeting space, with people holding Bibles and engaging in heartfelt discussions, reflecting their reliance on the living Spirit of God for their gathering and fellowship.



Here is the illustration showing a modern person acting as God's messenger, understanding His intentions, and faithfully conveying the gospel and His word to others. The scenes depict the person speaking and interacting with at least two individuals, sharing the truth of the gospel and scriptures. The environments include a public space for meaningful conversation and another setting where the person reads from the Bible and explains its message, reflecting dedication, clarity, and commitment to spreading God's word.Here is the illustration showing a modern person dedicating time and focus to Bible study, aiming to understand God's works. The scenes depict the person deeply engrossed in studying the Bible in a designated study space free from distractions. The environment includes study materials such as notebooks, highlighters, and a peaceful atmosphere conducive to concentration. The person is shown reading, taking notes, and praying for understanding, reflecting dedication and a sincere desire to know God's deeds, conveying commitment, focus, and spiritual growth.Here is the illustration showing a modern person fervently praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, even in a foreign land, and actively spreading the gospel. The scenes include the person kneeling in earnest prayer, with a glowing sense of the Holy Spirit's presence surrounding them, and another part depicting the person engaging in evangelism, sharing the gospel with passion and dedication to those around them. The settings feature a peaceful prayer space and various locations where the person is interacting with and spreading the gospel to others, reflecting a life devoted to evangelism and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person acting as God's messenger, understanding His intentions, and faithfully conveying the gospel and His word to others. The scenes depict the person speaking and interacting with at least two individuals, sharing the truth of the gospel and scriptures. The environments include a public space for meaningful conversation and another setting where the person reads from the Bible and explains its message, reflecting dedication, clarity, and commitment to spreading God's word. ///////////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person dedicating time and focus to Bible study, aiming to understand God's works. The scenes depict the person deeply engrossed in studying the Bible in a designated study space free from distractions. The environment includes study materials such as notebooks, highlighters, and a peaceful atmosphere conducive to concentration. The person is shown reading, taking notes, and praying for understanding, reflecting dedication and a sincere desire to know God's deeds, conveying commitment, focus, and spiritual growth. /////////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person fervently praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, even in a foreign land, and actively spreading the gospel. The scenes include the person kneeling in earnest prayer, with a glowing sense of the Holy Spirit's presence surrounding them, and another part depicting the person engaging in evangelism, sharing the gospel with passion and dedication to those around them. The settings feature a peaceful prayer space and various locations where the person is interacting with and spreading the gospel to others, reflecting a life devoted to evangelism and filled with the Holy Spirit.



Here is the illustration showing a modern person observing and praying for fellow believers, aiming to strengthen their faith with scripture, and spending time with them to encourage joyful living in the Lord. The scenes include attentively observing others, praying with sincerity, sharing scripture, and engaging in meaningful conversations. The illustration also depicts the person spending quality time with others, building friendships, and motivating them with good intentions. The settings blend a church environment, a cozy prayer corner, and social interactions in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, reflecting dedication to uplifting and encouraging fellow believers.Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the message that God rescues them from the dangers of death and saves them from various difficulties and hardships. The scene includes the person dedicating time to prayer, deciding not to rely on worldly possessions, fame, power, or lust. The person is depicted praying earnestly, with a focus on placing their hope in God. The environment features a serene and quiet space for prayer, highlighting the person's commitment to seeking God and placing their hope in Him, with symbols of discarded worldly pursuits nearby.Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to love Jesus Christ by remembering His life and ministry, and considering how Jesus would speak and act in their situation. The scenes include reflecting on Jesus' actions and words, applying this reflection to their own speech and behavior throughout the day, reading the Bible to remember Jesus' life, engaging in daily interactions with a mindset of 'What would Jesus do?', sharing Jesus' message with passion to others, and evaluating their actions in the evening. The environments feature a home study area, everyday settings like work or social interactions, and a quiet place for evening reflection, conveying thoughtful contemplation, devotion, and the desire to emulate Jesus' passion and message.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person observing and praying for fellow believers, aiming to strengthen their faith with scripture, and spending time with them to encourage joyful living in the Lord. The scenes include attentively observing others, praying with sincerity, sharing scripture, and engaging in meaningful conversations. The illustration also depicts the person spending quality time with others, building friendships, and motivating them with good intentions. The settings blend a church environment, a cozy prayer corner, and social interactions in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, reflecting dedication to uplifting and encouraging fellow believers. //////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the message that God rescues them from the dangers of death and saves them from various difficulties and hardships. The scene includes the person dedicating time to prayer, deciding not to rely on worldly possessions, fame, power, or lust. The person is depicted praying earnestly, with a focus on placing their hope in God. The environment features a serene and quiet space for prayer, highlighting the person's commitment to seeking God and placing their hope in Him, with symbols of discarded worldly pursuits nearby. ////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to love Jesus Christ by remembering His life and ministry, and considering how Jesus would speak and act in their situation. The scenes include reflecting on Jesus' actions and words, applying this reflection to their own speech and behavior throughout the day, reading the Bible to remember Jesus' life, engaging in daily interactions with a mindset of 'What would Jesus do?', sharing Jesus' message with passion to others, and evaluating their actions in the evening. The environments feature a home study area, everyday settings like work or social interactions, and a quiet place for evening reflection, conveying thoughtful contemplation, devotion, and the desire to emulate Jesus' passion and message.


Here is the illustration showing a modern believer living a life deeply in communion with the Lord, following Paul's example in 1 Corinthians 16:1-12. The scenes include the person eagerly engaging in fellowship with others, always mindful of 'if the Lord permits.' Activities depicted are praying earnestly to hear the Lord's voice, engaging in passionate fellowship with others, memorizing and sharing scripture, and evangelizing with enthusiasm. The environments blend personal prayer space, community gatherings, and public areas for sharing the gospel, conveying dedication, spiritual sensitivity, and fervent commitment to spreading the truth.Here is the illustration showing a believer reflecting on the hope of being transformed with a new body at the end times, as described in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. The scenes include the person joyfully sharing the gospel, reading and recalling the verses multiple times for strength, praying with hands lifted, and engaging in evangelism with joy and enthusiasm. The settings feature a peaceful home study area, a church, and public spaces for sharing the gospel, reflecting hope, transformation, and the joy of resurrection.Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to avoid idolatry and living in lust while undergoing tests from God. The scenes include the person engaging in various efforts to stay pure and focused on God's promises, such as studying the Bible closely, praying, and listening to the Holy Spirit. The environments blend a personal study area with scriptures and prayer items and a peaceful outdoor space for reflection and listening to the Holy Spirit, reflecting determination, hope, and spiritual devotion, emphasizing the belief that God will cleanse and strengthen them.
Here is the illustration showing a modern believer living a life deeply in communion with the Lord, following Paul's example in 1 Corinthians 16:1-12. The scenes include the person eagerly engaging in fellowship with others, always mindful of 'if the Lord permits.' Activities depicted are praying earnestly to hear the Lord's voice, engaging in passionate fellowship with others, memorizing and sharing scripture, and evangelizing with enthusiasm. The environments blend personal prayer space, community gatherings, and public areas for sharing the gospel, conveying dedication, spiritual sensitivity, and fervent commitment to spreading the truth. ///////// Here is the illustration showing a believer reflecting on the hope of being transformed with a new body at the end times, as described in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. The scenes include the person joyfully sharing the gospel, reading and recalling the verses multiple times for strength, praying with hands lifted, and engaging in evangelism with joy and enthusiasm. The settings feature a peaceful home study area, a church, and public spaces for sharing the gospel, reflecting hope, transformation, and the joy of resurrection. /////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to avoid idolatry and living in lust while undergoing tests from God. The scenes include the person engaging in various efforts to stay pure and focused on God's promises, such as studying the Bible closely, praying, and listening to the Holy Spirit. The environments blend a personal study area with scriptures and prayer items and a peaceful outdoor space for reflection and listening to the Holy Spirit, reflecting determination, hope, and spiritual devotion, emphasizing the belief that God will cleanse and strengthen them.



Here is the illustration showing a modern person joyfully celebrating and praising Jesus' ascension, reflecting the joy and praise of the disciples who witnessed it. The scenes include the person in a state of elation and gratitude, imagining the sight of Jesus ascending into heaven. Activities depicted are singing hymns, praying with uplifted hands, and expressing heartfelt thanks. The environments feature a beautiful, serene outdoor setting with the sky symbolizing Jesus' ascension, and a peaceful indoor space for worship and praise, conveying deep joy, thankfulness, and worship.Here is the illustration showing a modern person making bold decisions and actions to follow Jesus, avoiding the foolishness of denying Him. The scenes include the person publicly professing their faith, engaging in acts of service with confidence, and standing firm in their beliefs in challenging situations. The environments depicted are a public place for professing faith, a community service area, and a scenario where the person stands firm in faith, reflecting strength, courage, and unwavering belief in Jesus.Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the value of faith rooted in Christ's resurrection, thinking about the resurrection of Christ, and practicing daily self-denial like Paul. The scenes include the person in prayer and meditation, reflecting on their faith's foundation in the resurrection, and practicing self-denial throughout their daily life. Activities depicted are moments of personal reflection in the morning, actions of self-denial during the day, and an evening evaluation to see if they lived in a way that their old self is dying in Christ. Settings feature a serene prayer corner, various daily life scenes of self-denial, and a peaceful nighttime reflection.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person joyfully celebrating and praising Jesus' ascension, reflecting the joy and praise of the disciples who witnessed it. The scenes include the person in a state of elation and gratitude, imagining the sight of Jesus ascending into heaven. Activities depicted are singing hymns, praying with uplifted hands, and expressing heartfelt thanks. The environments feature a beautiful, serene outdoor setting with the sky symbolizing Jesus' ascension, and a peaceful indoor space for worship and praise, conveying deep joy, thankfulness, and worship. ///// Here is the illustration showing a modern person making bold decisions and actions to follow Jesus, avoiding the foolishness of denying Him. The scenes include the person publicly professing their faith, engaging in acts of service with confidence, and standing firm in their beliefs in challenging situations. The environments depicted are a public place for professing faith, a community service area, and a scenario where the person stands firm in faith, reflecting strength, courage, and unwavering belief in Jesus. ///// Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the value of faith rooted in Christ's resurrection, thinking about the resurrection of Christ, and practicing daily self-denial like Paul. The scenes include the person in prayer and meditation, reflecting on their faith's foundation in the resurrection, and practicing self-denial throughout their daily life. Activities depicted are moments of personal reflection in the morning, actions of self-denial during the day, and an evening evaluation to see if they lived in a way that their old self is dying in Christ. Settings feature a serene prayer corner, various daily life scenes of self-denial, and a peaceful nighttime reflection.



Here is the illustration showing a believer in a gathering where various activities and languages create a chaotic environment. Despite the confusion, the believer focuses on God, remembering that He is a God of peace. The scenes include praying and meditating amidst the chaos, seeking peace from God, and training themselves to look towards God in all situations. The settings feature a church with diverse activities, a quiet corner for personal prayer, and moments of reflection in nature, emphasizing a life of seeking God's peace and practicing reliance on Him despite external confusion.Here is the illustration showing a modern person living a day focused on memorizing and reviewing Bible verses to think, speak, and act according to prophetic words. The scenes include reflecting on memorized scriptures, studying new Bible verses, and integrating these teachings into daily life. Activities depicted are morning devotion with Bible reading, writing verses on cards for memorization, reciting verses during the day, and evening prayer while contemplating the learned scriptures. The settings blend personal spaces for reflection, peaceful outdoor areas, and a quiet room for prayer, highlighting a day dedicated to spiritual growth and biblical reflection.Here is the illustration showing a modern person growing in faith, hope, and love while living a life full of deep love towards others and prayer. The scenes include engaging in acts of kindness and compassion, praying fervently, and spending time in quiet reflection. Activities depicted are comforting a friend, volunteering in the community, praying for others, and meditating on scripture. The settings blend personal spaces for reflection with communal areas where love and service are demonstrated, conveying a deep sense of spiritual growth, love, and dedication to living out faith in practical ways.
Here is the illustration showing a believer in a gathering where various activities and languages create a chaotic environment. Despite the confusion, the believer focuses on God, remembering that He is a God of peace. The scenes include praying and meditating amidst the chaos, seeking peace from God, and training themselves to look towards God in all situations. The settings feature a church with diverse activities, a quiet corner for personal prayer, and moments of reflection in nature, emphasizing a life of seeking God's peace and practicing reliance on Him despite external confusion. ////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person living a day focused on memorizing and reviewing Bible verses to think, speak, and act according to prophetic words. The scenes include reflecting on memorized scriptures, studying new Bible verses, and integrating these teachings into daily life. Activities depicted are morning devotion with Bible reading, writing verses on cards for memorization, reciting verses during the day, and evening prayer while contemplating the learned scriptures. The settings blend personal spaces for reflection, peaceful outdoor areas, and a quiet room for prayer, highlighting a day dedicated to spiritual growth and biblical reflection. ////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person growing in faith, hope, and love while living a life full of deep love towards others and prayer. The scenes include engaging in acts of kindness and compassion, praying fervently, and spending time in quiet reflection. Activities depicted are comforting a friend, volunteering in the community, praying for others, and meditating on scripture. The settings blend personal spaces for reflection with communal areas where love and service are demonstrated, conveying a deep sense of spiritual growth, love, and dedication to living out faith in practical ways.



Here is the illustration showing a modern person surrounded by the overwhelming sense of their own sins, feeling burdened yet deeply reflecting on the forgiveness from Almighty God. The scenes include meditating and praying with gratitude, contemplating God's mercy, and actively spreading the gospel. The settings feature a quiet place for personal reflection, a church, and a public area for evangelizing, conveying deep thankfulness, awareness of forgiveness, and a strong sense of mission.Here is the illustration showing a modern person dedicating their life to spreading God's kingdom and living as a model of faith. The scenes include the person meditating on God's kingdom, engaging in evangelism, praying, studying the Bible, sharing the gospel with others, participating in community service, and mentoring or teaching about faith. The settings feature a church, a public place for evangelism, and a quiet place for meditation and reflection, highlighting a day devoted to spreading God's word and living a life of purpose.Here is the illustration showing a modern person living their life as a child and servant of the Lord, remembering their identity in Christ. The scenes include praising God through worship, teaching and nurturing others with the Word of God, revisiting memorized scripture, leading Bible study, sharing the gospel, and meditating on the Word. The environment encompasses a church setting, a home study area, and community outreach, reflecting a life dedicated to worship, teaching, and continual spiritual growth.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person surrounded by the overwhelming sense of their own sins, feeling burdened yet deeply reflecting on the forgiveness from Almighty God. The scenes include meditating and praying with gratitude, contemplating God's mercy, and actively spreading the gospel. The settings feature a quiet place for personal reflection, a church, and a public area for evangelizing, conveying deep thankfulness, awareness of forgiveness, and a strong sense of mission. /// ere is the illustration showing a modern person dedicating their life to spreading God's kingdom and living as a model of faith. The scenes include the person meditating on God's kingdom, engaging in evangelism, praying, studying the Bible, sharing the gospel with others, participating in community service, and mentoring or teaching about faith. The settings feature a church, a public place for evangelism, and a quiet place for meditation and reflection, highlighting a day devoted to spreading God's word and living a life of purpose. ////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person living their life as a child and servant of the Lord, remembering their identity in Christ. The scenes include praising God through worship, teaching and nurturing others with the Word of God, revisiting memorized scripture, leading Bible study, sharing the gospel, and meditating on the Word. The environment encompasses a church setting, a home study area, and community outreach, reflecting a life dedicated to worship, teaching, and continual spiritual growth.




Here is the illustration showing a modern person living a life led by the Holy Spirit, resembling Jesus, and actively spreading the gospel. The scene depicts the person praying earnestly, listening to the Holy Spirit's guidance, and teaching and nurturing others in faith. It includes activities like community outreach, leading Bible study groups, and providing spiritual support, reflecting devotion, compassion, and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the life of Jesus, speaking and acting in ways similar to Him, keeping His words and commandments in memory, and reciting memorized Bible verses. The scenes include praying and meditating on scriptures, engaging in compassionate actions, and attending church services or Bible study groups. Each scene highlights the dedication to living a life that honors and remembers Jesus' teachings and commandments.Here is the illustration showing a modern person making V-hand gestures in three different scenarios to symbolize spiritual victory and growth. The scenes include praying or meditating in a serene environment, reading a Bible or spiritual text in a cozy space, and helping someone or engaging in a charitable activity, each highlighting spiritual richness and overcoming challenges.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person living a life led by the Holy Spirit, resembling Jesus, and actively spreading the gospel. The scene depicts the person praying earnestly, listening to the Holy Spirit's guidance, and teaching and nurturing others in faith. It includes activities like community outreach, leading Bible study groups, and providing spiritual support, reflecting devotion, compassion, and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. ////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the life of Jesus, speaking and acting in ways similar to Him, keeping His words and commandments in memory, and reciting memorized Bible verses. The scenes include praying and meditating on scriptures, engaging in compassionate actions, and attending church services or Bible study groups. Each scene highlights the dedication to living a life that honors and remembers Jesus' teachings and commandments. ///// Here is the illustration showing a modern person making V-hand gestures in three different scenarios to symbolize spiritual victory and growth. The scenes include praying or meditating in a serene environment, reading a Bible or spiritual text in a cozy space, and helping someone or engaging in a charitable activity, each highlighting spiritual richness and overcoming challenges.



Here is the illustration you requested, depicting a modern person making decisions focused on spiritual salvation rather than personal benefit in three different scenarios. The scenes show the person attending a church service, engaging in Bible study and prayer, and sharing the gospel with a colleague. Each scene contrasts spiritual commitment with personal convenience, emphasizing determination and peace in the person's actions.여기 주님의 보호하심과 인도하심을 기억하며 살아가는 모습을 담은 그림입니다. 그림 속의 인물이 기도와 성경 읽기를 통해 평안을 찾고, 주님의 존재와 함께하는 모습을 볼 수 있습니다.Here is the illustration of a modern person living a day filled with deep love for God and growth in loving their neighbor as themselves, praising God, and caring for others with compassion and faith. Here is the illustration of a modern person living a day filled with deep love for God and growth in loving their neighbor as themselves, praising God, and caring for others with compassion and faith.
Here is the illustration you requested, depicting a modern person making decisions focused on spiritual salvation rather than personal benefit in three different scenarios. The scenes show the person attending a church service, engaging in Bible study and prayer, and sharing the gospel with a colleague. Each scene contrasts spiritual commitment with personal convenience, emphasizing determination and peace in the person's actions. ///// 여기 주님의 보호하심과 인도하심을 기억하며 살아가는 모습을 담은 그림입니다. 그림 속의 인물이 기도와 성경 읽기를 통해 평안을 찾고, 주님의 존재와 함께하는 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. //// Here is the illustration of a modern person living a day filled with deep love for God and growth in loving their neighbor as themselves, praising God, and caring for others with compassion and faith.

 Here are the illustrations of a person deepening their relationship with the Lord in everyday situations, praying defensively against pride, and recognizing the Lord's sovereignty.Here are the illustrations of a person deepening their relationship with the Lord in everyday situations, praying defensively against pride, and recognizing the Lord's sovereignty.
Here are the illustrations of a person deepening their relationship with the Lord in everyday situations, praying defensively against pride, and recognizing the Lord's sovereignty.



Here are the illustrations of an individual living with a clear goal, dedicated to spreading the gospel, word, and truth, while embracing their heritage and natural surroundings.그려진 모습은 현대인이 성령의 음성을 따라 간절히 기도하며 두 명 이상의 사람들에게 복음을 전하는 장면입니다. 주님의 임재가 느껴지는 평화로운 공원에서 성경을 들고 기쁨과 진지함이 담긴 얼굴로 복음을 전하는 모습입니다. 이 그림을 통해 당신의 선교 활동에 영감이 되기를 바랍니다..
Here are the illustrations of an individual living with a clear goal, dedicated to spreading the gospel, word, and truth, while embracing their heritage and natural surroundings. /// 그려진 모습은 현대인이 성령의 음성을 따라 간절히 기도하며 두 명 이상의 사람들에게 복음을 전하는 장면입니다. 주님의 임재가 느껴지는 평화로운 공원에서 성경을 들고 기쁨과 진지함이 담긴 얼굴로 복음을 전하는 모습입니다. 이 그림을 통해 당신의 선교 활동에 영감이 되기를 바랍니다.


하나님의 성품을 더 알아가고 하나님의 광대하심과 위엄을 깊이 묵상하며 지식을 더하기 위해 간절히 기도하는 하루를 보내는 한국인의 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지는 아침에 하나님의 성품을 이해하기 위해 깊이 기도하는 모습, 조용한 공원에서 하나님의 웅대함과 위엄을 묵상하는 모습, 그리고 저녁에 하나님의 위대함을 더 많이 알게 해달라고 기도하는 모습을 보여줍니다. 이 장면들은 영적인 헌신과 하나님의 속성을 더 깊이 이해하고자 하는 진심 어린 열망을 잘 나타내고 있습니다.남편이 아내와 주님을 기쁘게 하는 삶을 살아가고 있는지 다시 한번 기도하며, 주님과 더불어 살아가는 삶에서 진보하도록, 그리고 성령을 모시고 있음을 고백하는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지는 아침에 평온한 표정으로 기도하며 주님과 아내와 함께 기쁨을 누리는 삶을 살아가도록 인도함을 구하는 모습, 낮에는 아내와 함께 성경을 읽으며 영적으로 성장하는 모습을 보여줍니다. 그리고 저녁에는 자신의 신앙을 고백하며 성령의 임재를 인정하는 평온하고 진심 어린 순간을 담고 있습니다. 이 장면들은 헌신적이고 영적으로 진보하며 깊은 신앙을 가진 삶을 잘 나타내고 있습니다.여기 하나님의 도우심을 생각하며 깊이 감사드리고, 그 감사함을 마음에 품고 하루를 살아가는 현대인의 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지는 평온한 집에서 감사의 기도로 하루를 시작하는 모습, 일터에서 조용한 순간에 감사함을 표현하는 모습, 그리고 자연 속에서 저녁 산책을 하며 하늘을 올려다보며 평온하고 감사한 마음을 담은 모습을 보여줍니다. 이러한 장면들은 하나님의 도우심에 지속적으로 감사하며 살아가는 삶을 잘 나타내고 있습니다.
하나님의 성품을 더 알아가고 하나님의 광대하심과 위엄을 깊이 묵상하며 지식을 더하기 위해 간절히 기도하는 하루를 보내는 한국인의 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지는 아침에 하나님의 성품을 이해하기 위해 깊이 기도하는 모습, 조용한 공원에서 하나님의 웅대함과 위엄을 묵상하는 모습, 그리고 저녁에 하나님의 위대함을 더 많이 알게 해달라고 기도하는 모습을 보여줍니다. 이 장면들은 영적인 헌신과 하나님의 속성을 더 깊이 이해하고자 하는 진심 어린 열망을 잘 나타내고 있습니다. //// 남편이 아내와 주님을 기쁘게 하는 삶을 살아가고 있는지 다시 한번 기도하며, 주님과 더불어 살아가는 삶에서 진보하도록, 그리고 성령을 모시고 있음을 고백하는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지는 아침에 평온한 표정으로 기도하며 주님과 아내와 함께 기쁨을 누리는 삶을 살아가도록 인도함을 구하는 모습, 낮에는 아내와 함께 성경을 읽으며 영적으로 성장하는 모습을 보여줍니다. 그리고 저녁에는 자신의 신앙을 고백하며 성령의 임재를 인정하는 평온하고 진심 어린 순간을 담고 있습니다. 이 장면들은 헌신적이고 영적으로 진보하며 깊은 신앙을 가진 삶을 잘 나타내고 있습니다. ///// 여기 하나님의 도우심을 생각하며 깊이 감사드리고, 그 감사함을 마음에 품고 하루를 살아가는 현대인의 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지는 평온한 집에서 감사의 기도로 하루를 시작하는 모습, 일터에서 조용한 순간에 감사함을 표현하는 모습, 그리고 자연 속에서 저녁 산책을 하며 하늘을 올려다보며 평온하고 감사한 마음을 담은 모습을 보여줍니다. 이러한 장면들은 하나님의 도우심에 지속적으로 감사하며 살아가는 삶을 잘 나타내고 있습니다.



현대인이 육신의 정욕, 안목의 정욕, 이생의 자랑을 따르지 않기 위해 하루에 세 번 이상 이러한 우상에서 벗어나자는 말을 외치는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 아침에 창문 옆에서 결의를 다지며 외치는 모습, 점심 시간에 공원에서 손을 들고 반복하는 모습, 그리고 저녁에 옥상에서 밤하늘을 향해 외치는 모습이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 이미지는 영적인 훈련과 세상의 유혹에 저항하는 삶을 잘 보여줍니다.바쁜 현대인 주님의 은혜 안에 거하며 주님의 뜻에 즉시로 순종하는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지에서 그 사람은 슈퍼마켓에서 무거운 짐을 들어주는 모습, 거리에서 노숙자를 위해 기도하는 모습, 그리고 필요로 하는 사람과 식사를 나누는 모습을 보여줍니다. 이러한 장면들은 하나님의 뜻에 즉시 순종하며 살아가는 삶을 나타내고 있습니다.바쁜 현대인이 말씀을 가까이 하고, 암송한 말씀을 상기하며 전도하는 삶을 실천하는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지에서 볼 수 있듯이, 현대적인 도시 환경 속에서도 신앙을 유지하며 전도하는 모습을 그려보았습니다.
현대인이 육신의 정욕, 안목의 정욕, 이생의 자랑을 따르지 않기 위해 하루에 세 번 이상 이러한 우상에서 벗어나자는 말을 외치는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 아침에 창문 옆에서 결의를 다지며 외치는 모습, 점심 시간에 공원에서 손을 들고 반복하는 모습, 그리고 저녁에 옥상에서 밤하늘을 향해 외치는 모습이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 이미지는 영적인 훈련과 세상의 유혹에 저항하는 삶을 잘 보여줍니다. ///// 바쁜 현대인 주님의 은혜 안에 거하며 주님의 뜻에 즉시로 순종하는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지에서 그 사람은 슈퍼마켓에서 무거운 짐을 들어주는 모습, 거리에서 노숙자를 위해 기도하는 모습, 그리고 필요로 하는 사람과 식사를 나누는 모습을 보여줍니다. 이러한 장면들은 하나님의 뜻에 즉시 순종하며 살아가는 삶을 나타내고 있습니다. ////// 바쁜 현대인이 말씀을 가까이 하고, 암송한 말씀을 상기하며 전도하는 삶을 실천하는 모습을 담은 이미지입니다. 이 이미지에서 볼 수 있듯이, 현대적인 도시 환경 속에서도 신앙을 유지하며 전도하는 모습을 그려보았습니다.


Here is the illustration of a busy modern individual attempting to rely on the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. The scene captures the contrast between their moment of spiritual focus and the bustling urban environment around them.Here is the illustration of a Korean individual reaching out to others, relying solely on the manifestation and power of the Holy Spirit. The serene and uplifting atmosphere emphasizes faith and divine guidance. Here is the illustration of a Korean individual reaching out to others, relying solely on the manifestation and power of the Holy Spirit. The serene and uplifting atmosphere emphasizes faith and divine guidance.바쁜 현대인이 세 번의 성찰과 성경 공부를 하는 모습을 그린 그림입니다. 첫 번째 장면에서는 책상에 앉아 열린 성경을 보며 기도하고 깊이 생각하는 모습이 담겨 있습니다. 두 번째 장면에서는 고요한 공원에서 성경을 읽고 명상하며 평온한 표정을 짓고 있습니다. 세 번째 장면에서는 조용한 방에서 무릎을 꿇고 기도하며 앞에 열린 성경과 깊은 헌신과 연결을 보여주는 모습입니다. 각 장면은 성경의 가르침을 이해하고 전하는 데 헌신된 모습을 강조하고 있습니다.
Here is the illustration of a busy modern individual attempting to rely on the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. The scene captures the contrast between their moment of spiritual focus and the bustling urban environment around them. ///// Here is the illustration of a Korean individual reaching out to others, relying solely on the manifestation and power of the Holy Spirit. The serene and uplifting atmosphere emphasizes faith and divine guidance. //// 바쁜 현대인이 세 번의 성찰과 성경 공부를 하는 모습을 그린 그림입니다. 첫 번째 장면에서는 책상에 앉아 열린 성경을 보며 기도하고 깊이 생각하는 모습이 담겨 있습니다. 두 번째 장면에서는 고요한 공원에서 성경을 읽고 명상하며 평온한 표정을 짓고 있습니다. 세 번째 장면에서는 조용한 방에서 무릎을 꿇고 기도하며 앞에 열린 성경과 깊은 헌신과 연결을 보여주는 모습입니다. 각 장면은 성경의 가르침을 이해하고 전하는 데 헌신된 모습을 강조하고 있습니다.


Here is the image depicting a Korean person praying three times a day, remembering and proclaiming God as their savior and guide. The scenes show the person in the morning, at lunchtime, and in the evening, each time in a different setting. I hope this captures the essence of their devotion and faith.기도의 모습이 담긴 이미지입니다. 한국인이 하루를 시작하며 순결함과 주님에 대한 믿음 안에서 기도하는 모습을 보여줍니다. 이 이미지가 삶의 우선순위를 유지하고 믿음 속에서 살아가는 데 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.한국인이 바쁜 일상 속에서 잠시 멈추어 주님의 판단을 신뢰하며 기도하는 모습을 담았습니다. 이 장면은 직장 환경에서 일어나며, 책상과 컴퓨터, 서류들이 있는 배경 속에서 조용히
Here is the image depicting a Korean person praying three times a day, remembering and proclaiming God as their savior and guide. The scenes show the person in the morning, at lunchtime, and in the evening, each time in a different setting. I hope this captures the essence of their devotion and faith. ///// 기도의 모습이 담긴 이미지입니다. 한국인이 하루를 시작하며 순결함과 주님에 대한 믿음 안에서 기도하는 모습을 보여줍니다. 이 이미지가 삶의 우선순위를 유지하고 믿음 속에서 살아가는 데 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. /////// 한국인이 바쁜 일상 속에서 잠시 멈추어 주님의 판단을 신뢰하며 기도하는 모습을 담았습니다. 이 장면은 직장 환경에서 일어나며, 책상과 컴퓨터, 서류들이 있는 배경 속에서 조용히 "오직 주님의 판단이 옳습니다"라고 선포하는 기도를 하고 있습니다.



바쁜 현대인이 하나님을 의지하며 자기 자신을 점검하는 두 가지 모습을 담고 있습니다. 첫 번째 장면은 이른 아침 공원 벤치에서 성경을 들고 기도하는 모습이고, 두 번째 장면은 저녁 집에서 창가에 앉아 일기를 쓰고 차를 마시며 생각과 기도를 적는 모습입니다. 이 두 장면은 고독과 평온, 하나님을 의지하는 마음을 표현하고 있습니다.하나님을 깊이 사랑하며 영혼을 사랑하는 기도와 전도에 헌신하는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 환경 속에서 기도하고, 사람들과 의미 있는 대화를 나누며 복음을 전하는 모습이 그려져 있습니다.바쁜 한국에서 현대인이 성령님의 음성과 주님의 마음에 집중하여 그분의 뜻을 이해하고, 성령님의 인도하심을 따라 깊은 기도의 삶을 살아가는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 환경 속에서 하루에 세 번 이상 기도하며 영적으로 성장하는 모습을 보여줍니다.. 이 이미지가 당신의 비전과 기도에 영감을 주기를 바랍니다.
바쁜 현대인이 하나님을 의지하며 자기 자신을 점검하는 두 가지 모습을 담고 있습니다. 첫 번째 장면은 이른 아침 공원 벤치에서 성경을 들고 기도하는 모습이고, 두 번째 장면은 저녁 집에서 창가에 앉아 일기를 쓰고 차를 마시며 생각과 기도를 적는 모습입니다. 이 두 장면은 고독과 평온, 하나님을 의지하는 마음을 표현하고 있습니다. /// 하나님을 깊이 사랑하며 영혼을 사랑하는 기도와 전도에 헌신하는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 환경 속에서 기도하고, 사람들과 의미 있는 대화를 나누며 복음을 전하는 모습이 그려져 있습니다. //// 바쁜 한국에서 현대인이 성령님의 음성과 주님의 마음에 집중하여 그분의 뜻을 이해하고, 성령님의 인도하심을 따라 깊은 기도의 삶을 살아가는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 환경 속에서 하루에 세 번 이상 기도하며 영적으로 성장하는 모습을 보여줍니다.. 이 이미지가 당신의 비전과 기도에 영감을 주기를 바랍니다.

현대인이 바쁜 하루를 살아가며 하나님의 지혜를 전하는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 환경 속에서 그리스도의 십자가 죽으심을 전하며, 영혼들을 위해 간절히 기도하고 복음을 전하는 모습을 그렸습니다. 현대인이 바쁜 삶 속에서도 주님을 찬양하며 깊은 평안함을 누리는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 일상 속에서 기도하고 예배하며, 산 꼭대기에서 주님을 찬양하는 장면도 포함되어 있습니다현대인이 다양한 성경 구절을 깊이 묵상하고 이를 일상생활에 적용하는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 각각의 장면은 에스겔 37:1,10, 느헤미야 8:10, 로마서 2:16 및 16:25, 요한복음 19장, 마태복음 20장, 로마서 15:22-33을 묵상하며, 기도하고 성경을 공부하며 복음을 나누고, 하나님의 임재를 느끼며 기쁨과 헌신으로 살아가는 모습을 보여줍니다.
현대인이 바쁜 하루를 살아가며 하나님의 지혜를 전하는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 환경 속에서 그리스도의 십자가 죽으심을 전하며, 영혼들을 위해 간절히 기도하고 복음을 전하는 모습을 그렸습니다. //// 현대인이 바쁜 삶 속에서도 주님을 찬양하며 깊은 평안함을 누리는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 다양한 일상 속에서 기도하고 예배하며, 산 꼭대기에서 주님을 찬양하는 장면도 포함되어 있습니다. ///// 현대인이 다양한 성경 구절을 깊이 묵상하고 이를 일상생활에 적용하는 모습을 담은 이미지가 있습니다. 각각의 장면은 에스겔 37:1,10, 느헤미야 8:10, 로마서 2:16 및 16:25, 요한복음 19장, 마태복음 20장, 로마서 15:22-33을 묵상하며, 기도하고 성경을 공부하며 복음을 나누고, 하나님의 임재를 느끼며 기쁨과 헌신으로 살아가는 모습을 보여줍니다.




