티스토리 뷰









시편 70:5 말씀을 읽고 도전이 된 내용과 묵상하고 적용할 사항을 정리해 보았습니다.








Psalm 70:5 I am poor and helpless; God, hurry to me. You help me and save me. LORD, do not wait.









시 70:5 - 도와주세요! --> 하나님, 주님과 도움을 청하오니 도와주시고 구해주세요~










다윗은 자신이 하나님께 도움을 구하고 구원을 청하고자 했으며, 하나님께 기다리지 말고 속히 도와달라고 요청했습니다(시 70:5).










다윗은 하나님과 깊이 동행하며 자신이 어려움에 처했을 때 하나님께 도움을 구했습니다. 자신이 어려움을 당했을 때 사람에게 도움을 청하는 것이 아니라 하나님께 도움을 청하며 적극적으로 기다리지 말고 도와달라고 도움을 청했습니다. 다윗은 하나님과 관계가 매우 깊었기 때문에 하나님께 적극적으로 도와달라고 간청할 수 있었습니다. 자신이 도움을 구해야 하는 상황에서 적극적으로 도움을 구할 수 있으려면 평소에 도움을 구하려는 대상자와 매우 좋은 관계가 되어야 합니다. 그래야 도움을 구할 때 적극적으로 구할 수 있을 것입니다.










주여, 오늘 시 70편 말씀을 통해서 다윗은 하나님과 매우 깊은 인격적인 관계를 가져왔으므로 주님께 적극적으로 간청하는 기도를 드릴 수 있었던 모습을 보았습니다. 지체치 말고 도와달라는 간정을 했던 다윗과 같이 저도 하나님과 깊은 인격적 관계를 가지기 위해 말씀을 적극적으로 암송하며, 제가 도움이 필요할 때 하나님께 적극적으로 나아가서 간청하기 위해 오늘도 하나님께 적극적이며 빠르게 간청하는 기도를 드리는 하루가 되도록 적용하겠습니다^^ 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!






Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.















Galatians 1:11 - Where Did the Gospel Come From? --> Mankind, not people, Jesus Christ












Paul is asking where the good news came from: did it come from mankind, that is, people, or did it come from someone's teachings? But he clarifies that the gospel is what Jesus Christ showed us (Gal 1:11-12).










If the gospel came from some saint or profound teaching, it would be based on the limitations of people's knowledge and wisdom; therefore, people would believe and follow such a gospel, but their lives would be limited by their finite human strength and wisdom. But when we think and remember that the gospel was shown, revealed, and manifested by Jesus Christ Himself, the power of the gospel is manifested, and the true gospel is manifested.













Lord, if the gospel I believe is from You, and if I am living by Your power, it must be from the Absolute, and I pray that I will be one who lives with this conviction. Lord, let me apply today's reading from Galatians 1:11-12 to remember that the gospel we preach did not originate from men, but was shown and witnessed to by Jesus Christ Himself, and let me continue to preach the good news with joy and to make it about Jesus Christ, not me^^. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!



Translated with DeepL.com (free version) 








주님 Lord
주님 Lord



















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Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.




Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel.ㅊHere is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel. ////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power. //////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.

