티스토리 뷰









갈라디아서 3:17 말씀을 읽고 도전이 된 내용과 묵상하고 적용할 사항을 정리해 보았습니다.








Galatians 3:17 This is what I mean: God had an agreement with Abraham and promised to keep it. The law, which came four hundred thirty years later, cannot change that agreement and so destroy God's promise to Abraham.








갈 3:17 - 약속을 주심 --> 율법이 아니라 약속을 주셔서 지금까지 연결되게 하심









하나님께서는 아브라함에게 동의하시며 그것을 유지하도록 약속하셨습니다. 율법은 430년 전에 주셨으나, 약속을 변하게 하거나 무너지게 할 수 없습니다(갈 3:17).









하나님께서는 율법을 주셨으나 약속을 주셔서 그 약속이 지금까지 이어져 오게 하십니다. 약속이 아니라 하나님의 율법만이 보증이 되셔서 우리들의 삶에 이어져 내려오는 것이며, 그러한 약속이 우리 삶의 보증이 되십니다.











하나님 아버지, 하나님께서는 율법을 주셨으나 그 율법이 아니라 하나님의 약속만이 보증이 되시고 약속으로 말미암아 구원에 이르게 됨을 배우게 하셔서 감사합니다. 율법에 사로잡힌 삶이 아니라 약속을 따라 사는 삶에 드려져서 약속의 말씀을 주장하며 오늘도 힘 있게 말씀을 알고 암송하며 복습하는 시간을 갖도록 적용하겠습니다^^ 아멘!





Here is the image representing a person embracing God's promises, meditating on scripture, and moving away from the limitations of the law. The scene captures the strength and assurance that comes from focusing on God's promises through prayer and reflection.
Here is the image representing a person embracing God's promises, meditating on scripture, and moving away from the limitations of the law. The scene captures the strength and assurance that comes from focusing on God's promises through prayer and reflection.




















Gal 3:17 - Gave the promise --> Gave the promise, not the law, so that it would be connected until now
















God agreed with Abraham and promised to keep it. The law was given 430 years ago, but it cannot change or break the promise (Galatians 3:17).









God gave the law, but He also gave a promise, and that promise is what keeps the law alive today. It is not the promise, but the law of God that is the guarantee, and that promise is the guarantee of our lives.












Heavenly Father, thank You that You have given us the law, but not the law, so that we may learn that the promises of God are the guarantee, and that it is by the promises that we are saved. May we not live a life enslaved to the law, but a life lived by the promises, so that we may claim the promises and apply them to know, memorize, and review them with power today, Amen!



Translated with DeepL.com (free version) 








주님 Lord
주님 Lord



















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Here is the image representing a person embracing God's promises, meditating on scripture, and moving away from the limitations of the law. The scene captures the strength and assurance that comes from focusing on God's promises through prayer and reflection.Here is the image you requested, illustrating a person in prayer and reflection, moving away from worldly distractions and focusing on eternal life and spiritual growth. It captures the shift from materialism to a deeper longing for God's kingdom.
Here is the image representing a person embracing God's promises, meditating on scripture, and moving away from the limitations of the law. The scene captures the strength and assurance that comes from focusing on God's promises through prayer and reflection. ///////////////// Here is the image you requested, illustrating a person in prayer and reflection, moving away from worldly distractions and focusing on eternal life and spiritual growth. It captures the shift from materialism to a deeper longing for God's kingdom.



Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer. 우리들의 기도와 묵상 시간을 상상하고 그려봅니다~ Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.
Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer. //////////////// 우리들의 기도와 묵상 시간을 상상하고 그려봅니다~ ///// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.




Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel.ㅊHere is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel. ////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power. //////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.

