티스토리 뷰









갈라디아서 3:7 말씀을 읽고 도전이 된 내용과 묵상하고 적용할 사항을 정리해 보았습니다.








Galatians 3:7 So you should know that the true children of Abraham are those who have faith.








갈 3:7 - 아브라함의 자녀, 영적인 자녀 --> 믿음으로 사는 삶









아브라함의 자녀는 믿음을 가진 자들입니다(갈 3:7).

하나님은 아브라함의 믿음을 보시고 믿음의 조상이라 칭하셨으며, 제가 아브라함의 자녀가 된다는 것은, 즉 아브라함의 자녀가 되려면 제가 믿음을 가져야 하겠습니다. 제가 믿음이 있는 자가 되어야 하겠습니다.

주여, 제가 오늘 갈 3:7 말씀을 통하여 믿음을 가진 자로서, 즉 아브라함의 믿음의 자녀가 되어 살아가야 함을 보게 하셨는데, 믿음으로 살지 않고 있는 물질적인 것, 눈에 보이는 것으로 판단하는 것, 세상의 것을 취하고 그것으로 만족을 얻으려는 마음 등 세상적인 시야를 나타내는 모습에서 돌이키며, 영원한 나라와 영적인 것을 사모하며 사는 삶이 될 수 있도록 기도하며 말씀을 보고 암송하며 복습하는 시간을 갖도록 적용하겠습니다^^ 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!









Here is the image you requested, illustrating a person in prayer and reflection, moving away from worldly distractions and focusing on eternal life and spiritual growth. It captures the shift from materialism to a deeper longing for God's kingdom.
Here is the image you requested, illustrating a person in prayer and reflection, moving away from worldly distractions and focusing on eternal life and spiritual growth. It captures the shift from materialism to a deeper longing for God's kingdom.





















Galatians 3:7 - Children of Abraham, Spiritual Children - Living by Faith












Abraham's children are those who have faith (Galatians 3:7).











God saw Abraham's faith and called him the father of faith, and if I am to be a child of Abraham, that is, if I am to be a child of Abraham, I must have faith.












Lord, you have made me see today through Galatians 3:7 that I need to live as a man of faith, that is, as a child of Abraham's faith, and I pray that I will turn away from the worldly outlook that I am not living by faith, such as material things, judging by the things that are visible, taking the things of the world and seeking to be satisfied with them, and that I will spend time praying, reading, memorizing, and reviewing your word so that my life will be one that is lived by longing for the eternal kingdom and spiritual things, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen!



Translated with DeepL.com (free version) 








주님 Lord
주님 Lord



















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Here is the image you requested, illustrating a person in prayer and reflection, moving away from worldly distractions and focusing on eternal life and spiritual growth. It captures the shift from materialism to a deeper longing for God's kingdom.
Here is the image you requested, illustrating a person in prayer and reflection, moving away from worldly distractions and focusing on eternal life and spiritual growth. It captures the shift from materialism to a deeper longing for God's kingdom.



Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer. 우리들의 기도와 묵상 시간을 상상하고 그려봅니다~ Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.
Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer. //////////////// 우리들의 기도와 묵상 시간을 상상하고 그려봅니다~ ///// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.




Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel.ㅊHere is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel. ////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power. //////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.

