티스토리 뷰









갈라디아서 2:20 말씀을 읽고 도전이 된 내용과 묵상하고 적용할 사항을 정리해 보았습니다.








Galatians 2:20 I was put to death on the cross with Christ, and I do not live anymore - it is Christ who lives in me. I still live in my body, but I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself to save me.









갈 2:20 - 내가 십자가에 못 박혀 죽음 --> 그럼에도 살아있는 이유? 믿음으로 사는 것









바울은 자신이 그리스도와 함께 십자가에 못 박혔으며, 자신이 더 이상 사는 것이 아니라고 선포하고 있습니다. 그러면 자신이 사는 것은 그리스도 안에서 믿음으로 사는 것이며, 자신을 사랑하시며 자신을 위해 십자가에 못 박히신 예수 그리스도를 믿는 믿음 안에서는 사는 것이 자신의 삶이라고 정의하고 있습니다(갈 2:20).









바울은 자신의 삶과 죽음에 대한 놀라운 정의를 하고 있습니다. 자신은 우선 죽었다고 말하고 있습니다. 그럼에도 자신이 살아있는 이유는 자신을 위해 십자가에 못 박히신 예수 그리스도를 위한 삶에 드려지기 위해 살아간다고 선포하고 있습니다. 오늘날 내가 무엇으로 살아가는가에 대해 다시금 생각하게 하고 있습니다.










오늘 갈 2:20 말씀을 통해서, 제가 살아있는지 죽어있는지 한번 점검하고, 세상에 대해서 살아있는 정욕과 자랑을 점검하고, 그리스도 안에서 하늘에 속한 것을 무시하거나 추구하지 않는 것이 무엇인지를 생각하여 돌이켜서, 꺾는 시도와 강화하고 발전시키는 시도를 하는 것을 적용하겠습니다.  이러한 시도를 통하여 무엇보다 하나님과의 관계에서 제가 세상과 하나님에 대해 생각하는 관점을 새롭게 하는 시간이 되어 주위를 환기할 수 있기를 기대합니다. 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!









Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer.
Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer.















Gal 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ --> Why do I live nevertheless? Living by faith
















Paul is proclaiming that he has been crucified with Christ and that he no longer lives. He then defines his life as living by faith in Christ, living by faith in Jesus Christ, who loved him and was crucified for him (Gal 2:20).











Paul is giving an amazing definition of his life and death. He is saying that he is first of all dead, but he is also proclaiming that the reason he lives is to give his life to Jesus Christ, who was crucified for him. It makes me think twice about what I live for today.













Today, I will apply Galatians 2:20 to examine whether I am alive or dead, to examine the lusts and boasting that are alive in the world, to consider what is ignoring or not pursuing the things that are heavenly in Christ, and to make attempts to tear down and attempts to strengthen and build up. I look forward to these attempts to renew my perspective on the world and on my relationship with God. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen!



Translated with DeepL.com (free version) 








주님 Lord
주님 Lord



















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Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer. 우리들의 기도와 묵상 시간을 상상하고 그려봅니다~ Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.
Here is the image illustrating the transformation and spiritual renewal you described. It shows the contrast between worldly desires fading away and the light of spiritual growth illuminating the person in prayer. //////////////// 우리들의 기도와 묵상 시간을 상상하고 그려봅니다~ ///// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person in deep, active prayer, seeking God's help with urgency, inspired by Psalm 70. The scene reflects a deep personal relationship with God and the reliance on His swift intervention.




Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel.ㅊHere is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power.Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully sharing the Gospel, with a clear focus on Jesus Christ as the center of the message, inspired by Galatians 1:11-12. The scene conveys joy, dedication, and passion for spreading the true Gospel. ////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living under the authority of Christ, aligning their thoughts and desires with His will. The scene conveys submission, wisdom, and spiritual strength as the individual learns to live according to Christ's power. //////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person striving to please God rather than people, inspired by Galatians 1:10. The scene shows the individual reflecting on scripture throughout the day, with a focus on making choices that align with God's will.

